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Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Why
Why = Mengapa
"Why" juga termasuk kedalam question word dan digunakan untuk menanyakan "sebab/alasan". Pertanyaan yang memakai "why" harus dijawab dengan "because".
Rumus :
Why + tobe + Adjective/Adverb ? (di gunakan untuk adjective/adverb)
Why + kata bantu + S + verb + Obj/ket ? (digunakan untuk kata kerja/verb)
Ex :
1. She loves him very much
Why does she love him very much ? Because he is a good boy
2. I like oranges
Why do you like oranges ? because oranges are good fruits
3. We must love our parents
Why must we love our parents ? Because they always love us
4. Why do we love our mother ? Because the paradise is under mother's sole
5. Why did you call me yesterday ? Because I needed your help yesterday
6. Why you go to Padang ? Because I want to study there
7. Why must we study english ? Because english is the international language
Note : Because of artinya karena dan diikuti noun/object
Ex :
1. Koko cries loudly, he needs milk
Why does koko cry loudly ? Because of milk
2. He wants to come here because we are here
Why does he want to come here ? Because of us