

Pengertian dan Contoh Compound Sentence

How are you sob? Welcome to my blog. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan sama-sama membahas mengenai apa itu compound sentence?? Tahukan sobat bahwa sebenarnya compound sentence itu merupakan salah satu dari empat sentence structure dan itu sudah sering kita jumpai di artikel-artikel, buku-buku, dan majalah-majalah bahasa Inggris. Membuat compound sentence itu sendiri tidak cukup sulit jika kita sudah tahu apa itu independent clause, coordinator, conjunctive adverb, dan semicolon. Nah, untuk mengetahuinya kuy sobat lihat penjelasan dibawah ini.

Compound Sentence merupakan dua atau lebih independent clauses. Lalu apa itu independent clause?? Independent clause merupakan sekumpulan kata yang mempunyai subject, verb dan tentunya bisa berdiri sendiri. Compound sentence ini bisa digunakan dengan coordinator, conjunctive adverb, dan semicolon.

Compound sentence with coordinators (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so./FANBOYS)

  1. Dogs are good pets, for they're not busy. (The second clause gives the reason for the first clause).
  2. I eat lontong, and they eat meatball. (Both clauses express equal related ideas).
  3. Most of us, do not use handphone wisely, nor do we use it effectively. (It is used to join two equal negative independent clauses).
  4. I miss her so much, but she didn't come yesterday. (Express contrasting ideas).
  5. You must leave him, or I will go from your life. (Express alternative or possibilities).
  6. I am lazy, yet I get the first rank. (The second clause is unexpected contrast to the information in the first clause).
  7. I didn't join the class, so they also didn't join it. (The second clause is a result of the first clause).
Compound sentence with conjunctive adverbs
Berikut daftar conjunctive adverbs:
  • Finally
  • Anyway
  • Earlier
  • Certainly
  • For example
  • Further
  • Also
  • In addition
  • Hence
  • Besides
  • However
  • Likewise
  • Later
  • Instead
  • Next
  • Namely
  • For instance
  • Moreover
  • On the other hand
  • Nevertheless
  • Now
  • Undoubtedly
  • Perhaps
  • Otherwise
  • Therefore
  • Then
  • Thus
  • Still
Contoh kalimat:
  1. English is not our first language; therefore, speaking English is not an easy job.
  2. We must study hard; otherwise, we won't pass the exam.
Compound sentences with semicolons
Compound sentence juga bisa menggunakan semicolon. Hal ini bisa dilakukan jika dua independent clauses mempunyai hubungan yang dekat. Look the examples:

  1. I am a teacher; he is a motivator.
  2. my father is 46 years old; my mother is 43 years old.

Baiklah sobat, demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Semoga penjelasan di atas bermanfaat buat sobat semua.

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