

Pembagian dan Contoh How

How = bagaimana
"how" termasuk kedalam question word dan digunakan untuk :

1. Menanyakan Kabar :
    - How are you ? I am fine thank you/I am not so well/I am sick
    - How is your mother ? She is fine thank you
    - How do you do ? How do you do
    Note : How do you do digunakan untuk org yang baru kita kenal.

2. Menanyakan Umur :
    - How old are you ? I am seventeen years old
    - How old is he ? He is seventeen years old
    - How old were you last year ? I was sixteen years old
    - How old will you next year be ? I will be eighteen years old
    - How is your age ? My age is sseventeen years old
    - How is your father's age ? My father's age is forty four years old

3. Menayakan Tinggi :
    - How tall are you ? I am 170 cms
    - How tall is he ? He is 170 cms
    - How high is the building ? It is about 10 metres

4. Menayakan Panjang/Lama :
    - How long is the ruler ? It is 30 cms
    - How long is the river ? It is ....
    - How long do you stay here ? Two years

5. Menanyakan Kedalaman :
    - How deep is the Siak river ? It is about ....
    - How deep is your love to me ? As deep as the sea

6. Menanyakan Lebar :
    - How wide is Sudirman street ? It is ....

7. Menanyakan Kecepatan :
    - How fast does the train run ? Very fast

8. Menanyakan  Sering :
    - How often do you study english ? Everyday
    - How often does he come here ? Sometimes

9. Menanyakan Jarak :
    - How far is Padang from Pekanbaru ? It is ...

10. Menanyakan Harga :
      - How much is the new car ? It is ....

11. Menanyakan Naik Apa :
      - How do you go to school ? By car

12. Menanyakan Banyak :
      - How many days are there in a week ? Seven days

13. Menanyakan Cepat/Lama :
      - How soon do you come here ? Immediately

14. Menanyakan Cara :
      - How does the teacher teach you ? Very well

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