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» Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Simple Future Tense
Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense
>> Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan berlangsung pada waktu yang akan datang.
Rumus :
S + Tobe + Going to + V1 + Obj
Ex :
1. I am going to come to your house tomorrow
Saya akan datang kerumahmu besok
2. My mother is going to buy me a new doll
Ibu saya akan membelikan saya sebuah boneka baru
3. They are going to have a new house
Mereka akan mempunyai sebuah rumah baru
4. We are going to study English at ITGG
Kami akan belajar bahasa inggris di ITGG
Bisa juga kita pakai dengan rumus :
S + Shall/will + V1 + Obj
I >> shall/will
you >> will
we >> shall/will
they >> will
he >> will
she >> will
it >> will
Ex :
1. I shall come to your house tomorrow
2. She will take me tomorrow
3. My friend will study English at ITGG
4. We shall go to the market tomorrow
5. I will join your party
Untuk membentuk kalimat negativenya, cukup kita letakkan " not " sesudah tobe atau shall/will. Dan untuk kalimat interrogativenya, tobe atau shall/will kita pindahkan kedepan subject.
Ex :
(+) I am going to come to your house tomorrow
(-) I am not going to come to your house tomorrow
(?) Am I going to come to your house ?
Yes, you are
No, you are not
(+) I shall come to your house tomorrow
(-) I shall not come to your house tomorrow
(?) Shall I come to your house tomorrow ?
Yes, you will
No, you will not
Perbedaan pemakaian " be going to " dengan " shall/will " :
- Be going to >> pasti (harus)
Apapun yang akan terjadi, maka kejadian itu tetap dilaksanakan.
- Shall/will >> akan (rencana)
Bisa terjadi bisa juga gagal.
Keterangan waktu dalam bentuk Simple Future Tense :
- tomorrow (besok)
- the day after tomorrow (lusa)
- next week (minggu depan)
- next month (bulan depan)
- next year (tahun depan)
- next saturday (sabtu depan)
- soon (segera)
- tonight (nanti malam)
Adjective and Identity in Future Tense
Rumus :
S + Will + be + Adj/Ident
Ex :
1. She will be happy tomorrow
2. You will be clever
3. I will be an English teacher next time
(-) She will not be happy tomorrow
(-) You will not be clever
(-) I will not be an English teacher next time
(?) Will she be happy tomorrow ? yes, she will
(?) Will you be clever ? yes, I will
(?) Will I be an English teacher ? yes, you will
Note :
will not >> won't
shall not >> shan't
Baca : 16 Tenses
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