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» Apa itu Introductory " IT " ??
Apa itu Introductory " IT " ??
" It " yang sering kita dengar atau kita ketahui adalah " it " yang fungsinya menggantikan kata benda yang disebut personal pronoun.
Ex :
That is a car
It is red
The house is new
It is mine
Dalam pokok bahasan kita kali ini akan mempelajari " It " yang bukan menggantikan kata benda melainkan ini disebut " Impersonal ".
Ex :
It is monday
What time is it ?
Posisi " It " tidak tetap, " It " dapat berubah posisi sesuai dengan aturan-aturannya. " It " dapat berfungsi sebagai subject dan object.
* Sebagai Subject
Rumus :
1. It + Tobe + Adj + To Infinitive + Ket
Ex :
1. It is nice to meet you
2. It is lazy to study biology
3. It is important to study english
4. It is difficult to know his heart
5. It is will be good to try
2. It + Tobe + Noun + To infinitive + Ket
Ex :
1. It is happiness to help the poor man
2. It is sickness for me to see you with the other man
3. It is a richness to get good healty
* Sebagai Object
Rumus :
S + Verb + Obj (It) + Adj/Noun + To infinitive + Ket
Ex :
1. I think it wrong to play in the class
2. I think it wrong to read in the dark
3. I find it a difficulty to tell her the news
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