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» Pengertian, Fungsi, Rumus, dan Contoh Question Word
Pengertian, Fungsi, Rumus, dan Contoh Question Word
A. Pengertian
Question word (kata tanya) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menanyakan orang, tempat, waktu, hal, cara, alasan, dan lain-lain.
Pertanyaan bahasa inggris ini terbagi dua, yaitu :
1. Yang dimulai dengan tobe atau kata bantu , maka jawabannya harus dijawab dengan " yes or no".
Ex :
1. Are you a student ? yes, I am
2. Is he busy ? no, he is not
3. Do you understand ? yes, I do
2. Yang dimulai dengan question word maka jawabannya tidak boleh dijawab dengan " yes or no", tetapi harus dijawab dengan sesuai yang ditanya.
Macam-macam question word yang sering digunakan :
1. who (siapa) >> menanyakan subject (orang)
2. what (apa) >> menanyakan object (benda)
3. where (kemana) >> menanyakan keterangan tempat
4. when (kapan) >> menanyakan keterangan waktu
5. how (bagaimana) >> menanyakan keadaan
6. whose (milik siapa) >> menanyakan kepunyaan
7. which (yang mana) >> menanyakan pilihan
8. why (mengapa) >> menanyakan sebab/alasan
9. whom (siapa) >> menanyakan object (orang)
1. WHO
Digunakan untuk menanyakan :
a. nama orang
Ex : - who are you ? I am Ichsan
- who is he ? he is Hafiz
- who is your father ? my father is mr. rusli
b. subject
Ex : - anto is clever
who is clever ? anto is
- zulfa is in front of the school
who is in front of the school ? zulfa is
- zizi sleeps in the bedroom
who sleeps in the bedroom ? zizi does
- idar makes a cake in the kitchen
who makes a cake in the kitchen ? idar does
Digunakan untuk menyatakan :
a. Identitas/pekerjaan seseorang
Ex : - what are you ? I am a student
- are you a student ? yes, I am a student
b. nama orang
Ex : - what is your name ? my name is Ichsan
- what is her name ? her name is Rohmah
- what is your father's name ? my father's name is mr. rusli
c. object (benda)
Rumus :
What + Kata bantu (do/does) + Subject + V1 + Ket. tempat + Ket. waktu
Ex :
1. Mother makes a cake in the kitchen today
2. We study english at ITGG three times a week
d. Kegiatan/pekerjaan yang dilakukan seseorang
Ex : - what do you do every morning ? I sweep the yard everyday
- what does your sister do every morning ? she cooks rice every morning
- what do they do every night ? they study together every night
Digunakan untuk menyatakan keterangan tempat.
Rumus :
where + kata bantu + S + V1 + Obj + Ket. tempat ?
Ex :
1. Rina reads a magazine in the classroom
where does rina reads the magazine ? in the classroom
2. Mother makes a cake in the kithen today ?
where does mother make a cake today ? in the kitchen
Digunakan untuk menanyakan keterangan waktu.
Rumus :
when + kb + s + V1 + obj + ket. tempat ?
Ex :
1. when does mother make a cake in the kitchen ? today
2. when do you study english ? everyday
5. HOW
Digunakan untuk menanyakan :
a. kabar
Ex : how are you ? I am fine
b. tinggi
Ex : how tall are you ? I am 170 cms
c. umur
Ex : how old are you ? I am seventeen years old
d. Jarak/jauh
Ex : how far is your house from your school ? It is 13 Kms
e. kendaraan
Ex : how does Ichsan go to school ? by motorcycle
f. harga
Ex : How much is your glasses ? It is Rp. 200.000,00
g. Jumlah/banyak
Ex : How many days are there in a week ? 7 days
Digunakan untuk menanyakan kepunyaan.
Rumus :
whose + noun + ?
Ex :
1. whose pen is this ? my pen
2. whose car is that ? Ichsan's car
Digunakan untuk menanyakan pilihan.
Rumus :
which + noun + ?
Ex :
1. the boy wears the blue shirt
which shirt does the boy wear ? the blue shirt
2. they want to buy the english book
which book do they want to buy ? the english book
8. WHY
Digunakan untuk menanyakan sebab/alasan, dan jawabannya harus memakai " because ".
Ex :
1. Ichsan is absent today, he is sick
why is Ichsan absent today ? because he is sick
2. today is rain, the woman uses umbrella
why does the woman uses umbrella ? because today is rain
Digunakan untuk menanyakan object (orang).
Rumus :
whom + kb + s + V1 + ket. tempat + ket. waktu ?
Ex :
1. we want to help the poor man
whom do we want to help ? the poor man
2. mother asks me to clean the house
whom does mother ask to clean the house ? me
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