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» Pengertian dan Contoh Other, Others, Each Other, Another
Pengertian dan Contoh Other, Others, Each Other, Another
1. Other and Others
>> Other dan Others berarti " yang lain. Other didalam kalimat dapat berfungsi sebagai :
A. Other + Noun >> Sebagai Adjective
>> Meneraangkan kata benda dan dapat diikuti oleh countable noun maupun uncountable noun.
Ex :
* Countable Noun *
1. Some students are diligent but the other students are lazy
2. Some flowers are red but the other flowers are yellow
3. We have three cars, two cars are new but the other car is old
4. Do you have the other pens ?
5. Do you have the other rooms ?
* Uncountable Noun *
1. Some ink is blue but the other ink is black
2. Some soup is hot but the other soup is cold
3. Do you have the other water ?
4. Do you have the other rice ?
5. Do you have the other sand ?
B. Other >> Sebagai Pengganti Noun
- Other dapat berdiri sendiri (tanpa diikuti kata benda)
- Other dapat berbentuk jamak menjadi others menggantikan benda jamak (CN). Tapi untuk pengganti UCN tetap pakai " other ".
Ex :
1. There are three boxes, two boxes are full and the other is empty
2. I have three balls, one ball is big and the others are small
3. This room is clear and the other is dirty
4. There are four teachers at ITGG, one of them is man and the others are women
2. Each Other and One Another
>> Each Other and One Another berarti " masing-masing " atau " saling ". Penggunaannya :
A. Each Other
>> Digunakan untuk menyatakan saling berbuat antara satu denga yang lainnya.
Ex :
1. - Rina loves tomi
- Tomi loves rina
They love each other
2. - I hate you
- You hate me
We hate each other
B. One Another
>> Digunakan untuk menyatakan dua orang atau lebih yang saling berbuat sesuatu terhadap yang lainnya.
Ex :
1. There are 30 students in the class
They study together
They help one another
2. Please love one another
C. Another (satu lagi)
Ex :
1. Please give me another apple because I have eaten this one
2. We have to take another trip to Padang.
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