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» Pengertian dan Contoh Direct and Indirect speech
Pengertian dan Contoh Direct and Indirect speech
- Direct Speech (DS) : kalimat langsung
- Indirect Speech (IS) : Kalimat tidak langsung
Direct and Indirect Speech dapat dibagi dalam empat bentuk :
1. Command (perintah)
2. Statement (pernyataan)
3. Question (pertanyaan)
4. Question word (pertanyaan yang memakai question word)
1. Command/Request
* Dalam bentuk perintah positive *
Ex :
1. DS : He told me, " go out ! "
IS : He told me to go out
2. DS : Mother said to Ichsan, " cook rice ! "
IS : Mother said to Ichsan to cook rice
3. DS : The teacher asked me, " bring dictionary ! "
IS : The teacher asked me to bring dictionary
4. DS : She asked me " open the door, please ! "
IS : She asked me to please open the door
5. DS : Rohmah said to Ichsan, " take me, please ! "
IS : Rohmah said to Ichsan to please take her
* Dalam bentuk perintah negative*
Ex :
1. DS : Father told me, " don't open the door ! "
IS : Father told me not to open the door
2. DS : She said to them, " don't eat the food ! "
IS : She said to them not to eat the food
3. DS : Rohmah said to Ichsan, " don't take me, please ! "
IS : Rohmah said to Ichsan to please not to take her
Baca : Command and Request
2. Statement
Perhatikan :
- Jika main clause (induk kalimat) dalam bentuk past tense maka anak kalimat dalam indirectnya juga dalam bentuk past tense.
- Tapi jika main clause dalam bentuk present dan future tense maka anak kalimatnya tetap dalam bentuk present tense.
- Kata hubung yang dipakai dalam indirect speech nya adalah " that ".
Ex :
1. DS : Father said to me, " your mother is cooking in the kitchen "
IS : Father said to me that my mother was cooking in the kitchen
2. DS : They said, " we buy a new house "
IS : They said that they bought a new house
3. DS : He said, " I will go to singapore "
IS : He said that he would go to Singapore
4. DS : Mutia said to dani, " I don't love you "
IS : Mutia said to dani that she didn't love him
5. DS : Suwarni said, " I have studied english at ITGG for two years "
IS : Suwarni said that she had studied english at ITGG for two years
6. DS : He says, " I am very busy "
IS : He says that he is very busy
Note :
Hal yang berubah dari direct speech ke indirect speech yaitu sebagai berikut :
1. Perubahan Tenses :
1. Simple Present >> Simple Past
2. Present Continous >> Past Continous
3. Simple Future >> Past Future
4. Simple Past >> Past Perfect
5. Present Perfect >> Past Perfect
6. Past Perfect >> Past Perfect
2. Perubahan Keterangan Waktu :
1. This >> That
2. These >> Those
3. Here >> There
4. Now >> Then
5. Today >> That Day
6. Yesterday >> The Previous Day
7. Last Week >> The Previous Week
8. Tomorrow >> The Following Day
9. Next Week >> The Following Week
3. Question
Ex :
1. DS : The teacher asked, " do you understand this lesson ? "
IS : The teacher asked me if I understood that lesson
Note :
- If berarti " sekiranya " dan dapat juga diganti dengan " whether " dan berfungsi sebagai kata hubung.
- Jika Direct nya berbentuk kalimat bertanya maka dalam Indirect nya tetap berbentuk positive.
2. DS : Tina said to me, " did you come to my house ? "
IS : Tina said to me if I had come to her house
3. DS : Susi said to dewi, " are you cooking now ? "
IS : Susi said to dewi if she was cooking now
4. DS : She asked me, " will you come to my house ? "
IS : She asked me if I would come to her house
5. DS : He asked me, " have you sent my letter ? "
IS : He asked me whether I had sent his letter
4. Question Word
Ex :
1. DS : He said to me, " where do you live ? "
IS : He said to me where I lived
2. DS : Mary asked Jhon, " why do you love me ? "
IS : Mary asked Jhon why he loved her
3. DS : They asked Ichsan, " when do you come here ? "
IS : They asked Ichsan when he came there
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